Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Well ET, it's like this...

We in the 16th Century believe that femininity and masculinity are determined by genitalia.  It is natural for women to behave in certain ways because that is how we are made!  We are of the earth….cold and damp.  For some reason that makes us weak and incapable of intellect —this means we are feminine.  Don’t ask me…I am just reporting this.   I didn’t make it up.  Men, on the other hand are warm and dry and therefore smarter and better than women —this means they are masculine.  We know this to be true because the Bible spells it out pretty clearly.  Is Eve not responsible for Adam’s downfall?  Also ET, both the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church have made it clear that women are dangerous and need to be controlled, lest we tempt men into evil or in some way prevent them from being good people.  We are incapable of wit, although we can master things like reading and simple arithmetic because we do need to be good company after all.  I am considered unusual because I can speak and write in Latin.  In order to explain this anomaly, some men have questioned whether or not I am actually a woman, or have speculated that I might possess the genitals of a woman and a man.


Women are not good rulers.  Men are rational and are good leaders because they don’t have vaginas.  Are you following?  The presence of a uterus also makes it difficult for women to make the tough decisions that a ruler must make.  In my case though, I feel that just because I possess the reproductive organs of a woman, it does not mean that I am controlled by emotion, or that I am rash in my decision making.  Therefore, I am like a man—or a King if you will.  My brain must rule my heart, which, as I have explained is not natural for women.  And…(try to follow me) the hearts of men are not only more rational but are stronger and less fickle than those of women.  A good ruler needs to be loyal and less subject to the silly things —like love.  Women also have weak stomachs and therefore cannot be soldiers, for instance.  The stomachs of men are strong (maybe there is less bile) and they can chop off heads willy-nilly.  But I have proven that I too can engage in a little manly head-chopping.

I suppose all of this means that we might have to question some of the assumptions we have been making about women.  But maybe not, because I am after all a Queen and an exception to the natural order.  Someday we may begin to understand that traits like reason or emotion or strength are not specific to one sex or the other.  You might have to visit the future to find this out….maybe the 22nd Century?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Don't Burn Those Bras Just Yet...

Lately I have been criticized for not doing enough to further the cause of women.  So let’s get one thing straight right now.  I am not here to make things easier for all women or give you some sort of ‘equality’ or whatever it is you want.  Ladies…face it... I am not like you. 

I am a Queen and the Supreme Whatever of the Church of England. 

I am exceptional. 

I don’t represent my sex— I represent the Crown.  In order to do that effectively I must rule as a man would rule.  I must act as one of them and follow their rules.  I must belly up to the bar and ogle the serving wench. (Actually I don’t have to do that.  It’s just fun to do)

In fact, don’t even think of me as a woman.  Think of me as an ‘honorary male.’  Or a de-sexed entity.  Benevolent but all-powerful.  Muahahahahaha.

BTW, 3rd Lady of the Bedchamber…you don’t have to worry about your promotion.  The 1st or 2nd Lady is probably going to sneak off and marry without my permission, and I will be looking to promote from within.

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary...

My dear Mary,

Your thoughts on marriage are not unwelcome, yet if I do say so marriage seems to have jeopardized your position more so than it has solidified it.  This unfortunate marriage to the young Dauphin has caused you much concern.  Do not fret.  I am sure that if your beloved Francis expires your bed shall not long remain cold.  I do not mean to call you shallow but that puddle Walter Raleigh covered with his cloak was deeper than you are, so you will likely continue to marry indiscriminately.  As I have told you in the past you would do better to guard your own house, especially when your neighbour’s house is on fire!  If you know what I mean!  

As to the matter of my own marriage, I cannot recall with certainty that it was I who vowed to remain chaste, nor did I state that I intend to never marry.  I think it was that damnable William Camden who put those words upon my lips!

Despite the fact that the single life would be a lot more fun, I am willing to consider a husband if the right man should come my way.  However, no suitor is without liability.  Either they are married, crazy or even worse… Catholic!  If Leicester were available I might consider him but I doubt that I could ever marry my own subject!  Who would rule whom?  I am really waiting for Mr. Right not just Mr. Right Now, so I must be circumspect and yet remain a virgin else how shall I ever marry well or command the respect of my people?

BTW, if I seem a little bitchy it is because I have the smallpox and am not feeling myself.  I hope I don’t end up a pockmarked wretch else no man will have me even if I find myself so inclined!

All best,


P.S.  Cheer up!  If your beloved Francis does not recover I know a really nice guy named Henry.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Woman's Work Is Never Done...

My Dear and Loyal Subjects,

Do not fret or worry.  I will respond in all due haste to your queries.  However, I have a proclamation to write and edicts and petitions to read in preparation of today's Parliamentary meetings at 2:30 and 5:30.
I will address your concerns this evening! (If I can accurately decipher your carefully couched questions and comments...)


Monday, March 23, 2009

How Cool Is This!!!

What can I say?  If I ever doubted that the people loved me... well let's just say I don't anymore.

I have been immortalized in plastic!

I think that the Queen Elizabeth Barbie is a pretty fair representation of me.  Despite rumours to the contrary, the 36-9-34 measurements are anatomically possible and I dare anyone to contradict me.

I may have the heart and stomach of a King but as you can see I also have the totally rockin' bod of a really hot woman!

An Unsuitable Suitor...

Erik of Sweden

At first glance Erik would seem a likely candidate.  Tall, blonde and hairy.  He kinda reminds me of that dude from Metallica.  You know the type!  But there are a few buts…

First:  He’s a little crazy.

Second:  He proposes to everybody.  Including my cousin Mary of Scotland.

Third:  He’s crazy.

He even tried to come here to marry me!  So I sent him a letter that I hope made my intentions clear while at the same time letting him down gently.  LOL.

This is what I told him:


It’s not you… it’s me.  I can’t honestly say that I have ever been in love.  However, I still wouldn’t marry you because you live so far away.  I hope you find someone who can really be with you.

All best,


On Dairymaids and Crowns...

This whole ‘rule’ thing is a little more complicated than I thought it was going to be.  If at some point I thought that because I am my father’s daughter, I would assume power without being questioned, I certainly don’t think that now!  Now I realize that my being a woman really complicates things.  Not only am I expected to marry and produce an heir, but there are so many men who would use me to advance their own agendas.  Still others do not believe that women should rule at all!!!  Negotiating the ins and outs of all this is very exhausting.  I am always watching out for hidden danger and I am always being watched.  Power, I have decided, is tenuous at best.  I suppose this is a lesson that many women (and a few men) have learned before me.  Keeping your head is, in this situation, quite a challenge.  It seems that I am always under pressure to consolidate power and keep power, and I can never let my guard down or just be myself, as other women are free to do — the men are always waiting like spiders in their webs, for me to show any signs of weakness. The dairymaid has more freedom than I do!!!!!  I have empathy for other women but I haven’t really thought about doing anything to advance their cause.  Besides, then you get into that whole class thing.  I am not here to change society.  I have other worries like religious unrest and the threat of war!  Not to mention the economy.  Oy Vay….